Topology Space in Between 

Audiovisual + Installation


Generative Visuals 

Media Art Project

Muak Police Office, Seoul, KR

We think about our position in this age represented by technology, with questions about what we feels and what interface is going to be between the illusions of this age. The rhythm of harmonic vibration caused by the specific distribution of the two sinusoidal signals creates lines, graphs, and sounds that are constantly connected, which is nothing more than a Buddhism ‘Yeon-gi 緣起’ theory. (Arising from causation, dependent arising or origination: Nothing in the whole phenomenal world exists independently of causal factors.) Visual and sound generated by mathematical calculations, ‘Banyasimgyeong 般若心經’, ‘Hwaeomgyeong 華嚴經’ representing ‘Yeon-gi 緣起’ theory in buddhism.

두개의 Sinusoidal 신호의 특정 분포로 생기는 조화 진동에 의해 끊임없이 이어지는 선과 그래프 그리고 사운드를 만들어 내고, 이는 불교의 연기설과 다름 없다. 수학적 계산으로 생성된 비주얼과 사운드 그리고, 불교의 연기설을 대표하는 반야심경과 화엄경 독송으로 구성한 Audio Visual.

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